Th9 Cells Represent a Unique Subset of CD4 + T Cells Endowed with the Ability to Eradicate Advanced Tumors. Th9 Cells Represent a Unique Subset of CD4+ T Cells Endowed with the Ability to Eradicate Advanced Tumors (Cancer Cell (2018) 33(6) (1048–1060.e7), (S1535610818302186), (10.1016/j.ccell.2018.05.004))

Yong Lu, Qiang Wang, Gang Xue, Enguang Bi, Xingzhe Ma, Aibo Wang, Jianfei Qian, Chen Dong, Qing Yi

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


(Cancer Cell 33, 1048–1060.e1–e7; June 11, 2018) We, the authors of the paper, demonstrated that tumor-specific Th9 cells represent a subset of less-exhausted, hyperproliferative cytolytic effector T cells. We have been made aware of an error in Figure 5F, where HDAC1 Western blot bands from the Th1 samples at the 3 and 6 h time points were duplicated in the Th9 samples at the 0 and 0.5 h time points. This error was introduced by mistakenly cropping the Western blots during figure preparation. Additionally, we identified another instance where the incorrect Western blots were inadvertently used in Figure S5D due to the mislabeling of the original images. These errors do not affect the interpretation of the data or the conclusions of the paper. The corrected Figure 5 and Figure S5 are provided below. We take full responsibility for our mistakes and apologize for any confusion that these errors may have caused.[Formula

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1313-1314
Number of pages2
JournalCancer Cell
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 8 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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