Rosai-Dorfman disease diagnosed because of bilateral choroidal masses

Yoreh Barak, Melissa G. Tong, Todd J. Purkiss, Shlomit Schaal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Purpose: To describe a case of bilateral choroidal masses leading to the diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease. Method: Case report. Color photographs, fluorescein angiography, autofluorescence, indocyanine green angiography, and high-definition optical coherence tomography imaging of both eyes and computed tomography and biopsy of pelvis mass were performed. A 47-year-lady presented with unknown choroidal masses in both eyes. She had no visual complaints. Her medical history was noncontributory. Results: Workup included a computed tomography of the chest and abdomen that demonstrated soft tissue masses in the renal pelvis bilaterally. A core needle biopsy from the renal mass demonstrated numerous histiocytoid that were positive for CD163 and S100 protein. Conclusion: Based on this spectrum of findings, the diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease was made. To date, the patient has been followed-up for 3 years without medical intervention and without visual deterioration. Careful follow-up is a reasonable management if patients are asymptomatic.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)326-329
Number of pages4
JournalRetinal Cases and Brief Reports
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2012


  • Choroidal masses
  • Rosai-Dorfman disease

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology


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