Preliminary Observations of the Effects on Breast Adenocarcinoma of Plasma Perfused over Immobilized Protein A

David S. Terman, James B. Young, William T. Shearer, Carlos Ayus, Daniel Lehane, Carlos Mattioli, Rafael Espada, Jimmy F. Howell, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Henry I. Zaleski, Lisa Miller, Peter Frommer, Louis Feldman, Joseph F. Henry, Richard Tillquist, Gary Cook, Yerach Daskal

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

111 Scopus citations


Five consecutive patients with breast adenocarcinoma who had relapses while undergoing conventional therapy were given autologous plasma or plasma from similar patients, which had been perfused over PACC; this was sometimes followed by intravenous cytarabine, 2 to 20 mg per kilogram of body weight. After repetition of such procedures, objective partial remission or improvement was observed in four cases. These early results are preliminary, but they warrant further investigation of the mechanism involved in the antitumor effect as well as the potential therapeutic value of this technique.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1195-1200
Number of pages6
JournalNew England Journal of Medicine
Issue number20
StatePublished - Nov 12 1981

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Medicine(all)


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