Plaque Character and Progression According to the Location of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque

A. Maxim Bax, Yeonyee E. Yoon, Umberto Gianni, Xiaoyue Ma, Yao Lu, Benjamin C. Lee, Benjamin Goebel, Donghee Han, Sang Eun Lee, Ji Min Sung, Daniele Andreini, Mouaz H. Al-Mallah, Matthew J. Budoff, Filippo Cademartiri, Kavitha Chinnaiyan, Jung Hyun Choi, Eun Ju Chun, Edoardo Conte, Ilan Gottlieb, Martin HadamitzkyYong Jin Kim, Byoung Kwon Lee, Jonathon A. Leipsic, Erica Maffei, Hugo Marques, Pedro de Araújo Gonçalves, Gianluca Pontone, Sanghoon Shin, Jagat Narula, Fay Yu Huei Lin, Leslee J. Shaw, Hyuk Jae Chang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Although acute coronary syndrome culprit lesions occur more frequently in the proximal coronary artery, whether the proximal clustering of high-risk plaque is reflected in earlier-stage atherosclerosis remains unclarified. We evaluated the longitudinal distribution of stable atherosclerotic lesions on coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) in 1,478 patients (mean age, 61 years; men, 58%) enrolled from a prospective multinational registry of consecutive patients undergoing serial CCTA. Of 3,202 coronary artery lesions identified, 2,140 left lesions were classified (based on the minimal lumen diameter location) into left main (LM, n = 128), proximal (n = 739), and other (n = 1,273), and 1,062 right lesions were classified into proximal (n = 355) and other (n = 707). Plaque volume (PV) was the highest in proximal lesions (median, 26.1 mm3), followed by LM (20.6 mm3) and other lesions (15.0 mm3, p <0.001), for left lesions, and was lager in proximal (25.8 mm3) than in other lesions (15.2 mm3, p <0.001) for right lesions. On both sides, proximally located lesions tended to have greater necrotic core and fibrofatty components than other lesions (left: LM, 10.6%; proximal, 5.8%; other, 3.4% of the total PV, p <0.001; right: proximal, 8.4%; other 3.1%, p <0.001), with less calcified plaque component (left: LM, 18.3%; proximal, 30.3%; other, 37.7%, p <0.001; right: proximal, 23.3%, other, 36.6%, p <0.001), and tended to progress rapidly (adjusted odds ratios: left: LM, reference; proximal, 0.95, p = 0.803; other, 0.64, p = 0.017; right: proximal, reference; other, 0.52, p <0.001). Proximally located plaques were larger, with more risky composition, and progressed more rapidly.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)15-22
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican Journal of Cardiology
StatePublished - Nov 1 2021

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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