Patient-Specific Modeling for Structural Heart Intervention: Role of 3D Printing Today and Tomorrow

Marija Vukicevic, Stefano Filippini, Stephen H. Little

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Structural heart interventions (SHIs) are increasingly applicable in a wide range of heart defects, but the intricate and dynamic nature of cardiac structures can make SHIs challenging to perform. Three-dimensional (3D) printed modeling integrates advanced clinical imaging and 3D printing technology to replicate patient-specific anatomy for comprehensive planning and simulation of SHIs. This review discusses the basic principles of patient-specific 3D print model development, print material selection, and model fabrication and highlights how cardiovascular 3D printing can be used in preprocedural planning, device sizing, enhanced communication, and procedure simulation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)130-137
Number of pages8
JournalMethodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 17 2020


  • 3D printing
  • congenital heart defects
  • heart valves
  • patient-specific models
  • structural heart interventions

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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