Novel Benchmark Values for Redo Liver Transplantation: Does the Outcome Justify the Effort?

Fariba Abbassi, Daniel Gero, Xavier Muller, Alba Bueno, Wojciech Figiel, Fabien Robin, Sophie Laroche, Benjamin Picard, Sadhana Shankar, Tommy Ivanics, Marjolein van Reeven, Otto B. van Leeuwen, Hillary J. Braun, Diethard Monbaliu, Antoine Breton, Neeta Vachharajani, Eliano Bonaccorsi Riani, Greg Nowak, Robert R. McMillan, Samir Abu-GazalaAmit Nair, Rocio Bruballa, Flavio Paterno, Deborah Weppler Sears, Antonio D. Pinna, James V. Guarrera, Eduardo de Santibañes, Martin de Santibañes, Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro, Kim Olthoff, R. Mark Ghobrial, Bo Göran Ericzon, Olga Ciccarelli, William C. Chapman, Jean Yves Mabrut, Jacques Pirenne, Beat Müllhaupt, Nancy L. Ascher, Robert J. Porte, Vincent E. de Meijer, Wojciech G. Polak, Gonzalo Sapisochin, Magdy Attia, Olivier Soubrane, Emmanuel Weiss, René A. Adam, Daniel Cherqui, Karim Boudjema, Krzysztof Zieniewicz, Wayel Jassem, Philipp Dutkowski, Pierre Alain Clavien

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


OBJECTIVE: To define benchmark cutoffs for redo liver transplantation (redo-LT). BACKGROUND: In the era of organ shortage, redo-LT is frequently discussed in terms of expected poor outcome and wasteful resources. However, there is a lack of benchmark data to reliably evaluate outcomes after redo-LT. METHODS: We collected data on redo-LT between January 2010 and December 2018 from 22 high-volume transplant centers. Benchmark cases were defined as recipients with model of end stage liver disease (MELD) score ≤25, absence of portal vein thrombosis, no mechanical ventilation at the time of surgery, receiving a graft from a donor after brain death. Also, high-urgent priority and early redo-LT including those for primary nonfunction (PNF) or hepatic artery thrombosis were excluded. Benchmark cutoffs were derived from the 75th percentile of the medians of all benchmark centers. RESULTS: Of 1110 redo-LT, 373 (34%) cases qualified as benchmark cases. Among these cases, the rate of postoperative complications until discharge was 76%, and increased up to 87% at 1-year, respectively. One-year overall survival rate was excellent with 90%. Benchmark cutoffs included Comprehensive Complication Index CCI ® at 1-year of ≤72, and in-hospital and 1-year mortality rates of ≤13% and ≤15%, respectively. In contrast, patients who received a redo-LT for PNF showed worse outcomes with some values dramatically outside the redo-LT benchmarks. CONCLUSION: This study shows that redo-LT achieves good outcome when looking at benchmark scenarios. However, this figure changes in high-risk redo-LT, as for example in PNF. This analysis objectifies for the first-time results and efforts for redo-LT and can serve as a basis for discussion about the use of scarce resources.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)860-867
Number of pages8
JournalAnnals of surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 1 2022


  • benchmark
  • redo liver transplantation
  • retransplantation
  • Liver Transplantation
  • Humans
  • End Stage Liver Disease/surgery
  • Tissue and Organ Procurement
  • Benchmarking
  • Graft Survival
  • Treatment Outcome
  • Retrospective Studies

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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