Minimally invasive radical trachelectomy: Considerations on surgical approach

Gloria Salvo, Rene Pareja, Pedro T. Ramirez

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Current evidence supports that radical trachelectomy is a safe and feasible alternative to patients with early-stage cervical cancer who wish to preserve fertility. In addition, published retrospective literature supports that oncologic outcomes are equivalent to those of radical hysterectomy. First published as a vaginal approach, a number of other approaches have been reported including laparotomic, laparoscopic, and robotic. In 2018, the first ever prospective randomized trial (LACC) comparing open vs. minimally invasive radical hysterectomy showed worse disease-free and overall survival for the minimally invasive (both laparoscopic and robotic) approach than the open approach. This landmark publication raised concerns regarding the oncologic safety of minimally invasive radical trachelectomy. In the United States, minimally invasive became the dominant approach by 2011 for radical trachelectomy. Given that radical trachelectomy is an infrequent performed procedure, only small retrospective studies, systematic reviews, and large database studies have been published. These studies are limited by their retrospective nature, small sample size, patient selection bias, unbalanced groups, and sequential surgical approach comparisons. However, the available evidence thus far shows that oncologic outcomes for both open and minimally invasive radical trachelectomy are equivalent. Given the rarity of the procedure and the low recurrence and death rates of patients with early-stage cervical cancer undergoing radical trachelectomy, a prospective randomized trial seems unlikely. A multi-institutional international registry study (International Radical Trachelectomy Assessment – IRTA – study) has been recently completed evaluating open vs. minimally invasive radical trachelectomy. There are three ongoing prospective studies evaluating the possibility of less radical surgery in a low-risk early-stage cervical cancer population, ConCerv, SHAPE, and GOG 278. We look forward to the final results of these studies that will hopefully shed light on the optimal treatment option for patients with early-stage cervical cancer wishing to preserve fertility. This article will review the most impacting publications comparing open vs. minimally invasive radical trachelectomy and analyze the limitations of the current available literature.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)113-122
Number of pages10
JournalBest Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
StatePublished - Sep 2021


  • Cervical cancer
  • Fertility-sparing
  • Minimally invasive approach
  • Radical trachelectomy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology


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