Metabolism of apolipoprotein A-IV in rat

Giancarlo Ghiselli, William L. Crump, Roberto Musanti, Bette C. Sherrill, Antonio Gotto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


The metabolism of apolipoprotein A-IV (apo-IV) has been investigated in the rat. In this animal species, apoA-IV is a major protein constituent of plasma HDL and lymph chylomicron. The apolipoprotein is also present in the lipoprotein-deficient fraction (LDF) of plasma and lymph. In vivo studies with the radioiodinated protein showed that apoA-IV does not exchange freely between HDL and LDF and that LDF apoA-IV had a faster catabolism than HDL apoA-IV. ApoA-IV in chylomicrons is a direct precursor of apoA-IV in plasma HDL but not of that in LDF. On the other hand lymph LDF apoA-IV is an important precursor of plasma LDF apoA-IV. Transfer of apoA-IV from plasma to lymph is negligible, and since most of apoA-IV in lymph is present in LDF, we speculate that LDF apoA-IV is the major apoA-IV secretory product of the intestine. Studies aimed at identifying the site of catabolism of apoA-IV utilizing either radioiodinated of [14C]sucrose labelled apoA-IV, gave results consistent with the view that the liver plays a major role. When tested, human apoA-IV behaved in vivo in rat as the autologous protein. These findings, together with others previously published (Ghiselli, G. et al. (1987) J. Lipid Res. 27, 813-827), support the conclusion that the plasma metabolism of apoA-IV is remarkably similar in rat and human. We speculate that in mammals the rapid plasma catabolism of apoA-IV is mediated by an efficient uptake by the liver.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)26-34
Number of pages9
JournalBiochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 6 1989


  • (Rat)
  • Apolipoprotein A-IV
  • Lipoprotein metabolism
  • Lymph
  • Plasma

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Endocrinology
  • Biophysics
  • Biochemistry


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