Making house calls incre

James R. Rodrigue, Matthew J. Paek, Ogo Egbuna, Amy D. Waterman, Jesse D. Schold, Martha Pavlakis, Didier A. Mandelbrot

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    95 Scopus citations


    Background. Blacks receive live donor kidney transplant (LDKT) less often than patients of all other races. We evaluated the effectiveness of educational interventions in removing barriers to LDKT for blacks. Methods. Patients were randomized to three interventions in which health educator(s) delivered an intervention to (a) the patient and his/her guests in the patient's home (house calls [HC], n=54), (b) clusters of patients and their guests in the transplant center (group based [GB], n=49), and (c) the individual patient alone in the transplant center (individual counseling [IC], n=49). Results. At the 2-year endpoint, 15% (n=8), 8% (n=4), and 6% (n=3) of HC, GB, and IC patients, respectively, received LDKT (P=0.30). Patients in the HC group were more likely than patients in the GB and IC groups to have at least one donor inquiry (82% vs. 61% vs. 47%, P=0.001) and evaluation (65% vs. 39% vs. 27%, PG0.001). Patients in the HC group also were more likely to have higher knowledge, fewer concerns, and higher willingness to talk to others about donation 6 weeks after intervention. Conclusions. These findings underscore the importance of including the patient's social network in LDKTeducation and the potential of the HC intervention to reduce racial disparity in LDKT rates.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)979-986
    Number of pages8
    Issue number9
    StatePublished - 2014


    • Kidney donation
    • Kidney transplantation
    • Live donor kidney transplant
    • Living donation
    • Living donor
    • Psychosocial
    • Race
    • Transplant education

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Transplantation


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