Longitudinal ruptures of polyester knitted vascular prostheses

Nabil Chakfe, Gunnar Riepe, Florence Dieval, Jean Francois Le Magnen, Lu Wang, Elisabeth Urban, Marc Beaufigeau, Bernard Durand, Herbert Imig, Jean Georges Kretz

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    45 Scopus citations


    Aim: The purpose of the study was the characterization of a type of rupture occurring on warp-knitted polyester vascular prostheses. Materials and Methods: We studied 20 cases of warp-knitted polyester vascular prostheses that were explanted from humans that showed a longitudinal rupture as a part of a collaborative retrieval program. All the prostheses were immediately fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution after their explantation in the operating room. The clinical data of these cases were recorded. The explants were photographed, washed to eliminate the surrounding tissues, and photographed again. The ruptures were characterized with macroscopic examination, optical stereomicroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Results: The mean duration of implantation of the prostheses was 16.0 ± 3.3 years (range, 9-20.7 years). The prostheses were Cooley Double Velour (n = 15) and Microvel Double Velour (n = 5). There were 16 aortobifemoral bypass grafts, 1 aorto-biiliac, 1 aorto-aortic, 1 iliofemoral, and 1 axillobifemoral. The longitudinal ruptures occurred on two specific parts of the prostheses: the guide line (6 cases) and the remeshing line (11 cases). In three cases both lines were affected. Scanning electron microscopy showed major degradation of the trilobar filaments of the velour and gradual ruptures of the flat filaments of the remeshing and guide lines. Conclusions: In this study, we have identified a specific mechanism of late (9-20 years) longitudinal rupture of knitted polyester prostheses consisting of degradation of the polyester filaments along the remeshing and guide lines that run the length of the graft.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Pages (from-to)1015-1021
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Vascular Surgery
    Issue number5
    StatePublished - 2001

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Surgery
    • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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