Infectious enteritis after intestinal transplantation: Incidence, timing, and outcome

D. Ziring, R. Tran, S. Edelstein, S. V. McDiarmid, J. Vargas, G. Cortina, N. Gajjar, N. Ching, J. Cherry, P. Krogstad, J. F. Renz, C. Fondevila, R. W. Busuttil, D. G. Farmer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


Aim To review the incidence, timing, and outcome of infectious enteritis after intestinal transplantation (IT). Method A retrospective review of all patients undergoing IT at a single institution between 1991 and 2003 was analyze with standard statistical tools. Results Among 33 IT recipients, 13 (39%) developed 20 culture- or biopsy-proven episodes of infectious enteritis. The recipient demographics were 77% men and median age 2.6 years. Infections were diagnosed at a median of 76 days (32 to 1800) after IT. There were 14 viral (CMV one, rotavirus eight, adenovirus four, EBV one, three bacterial (Clostridium difficile), and three other infections (Giardia lamblia one, cryptosporidium two). Complete resolution was achieved in 17 (94%) infectious after appropriate antimicrobial or conservative therapy. Interestingly, there were six rejection episodes following infectious enteritis. Grafts were lost to rejection after rotaviral enteritis (n = 1) and adenoviral enteritis misdiagnosed as rejection (n = 1). Patient and graft survival were not adversely affected by infections. Conclusions Infectious enteritis occurs frequently after IT. Viral agents are the cause in two-thirds of cases. With supportive care and appropriate treatment, resolution is possible in the majority of cases. Differentiating rejection and infection by histopathology can be difficult.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)379-380
Number of pages2
JournalTransplantation Proceedings
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery
  • Transplantation


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