Gross type-matched study of clinicopathologic features of advanced gastric carcinoma with replication error

Gyeong Hoon Kang, Bohng Hee Kim, Tae Jin Lee, Yhong Hee Shim, Gyungyub Gong, Jae Y. Ro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Sporadic gastric carcinomas with replication error (RER) have been described and have distinct clinicopathological features, such as: older age group, predominant antral location, elevated gross type, near-diploidy, expanding pattern (Ming's classification), intestinal type, low desmoplastic response, and less frequent lymph node metastasis. Previous study revealed that replication error-positive (RER+) advanced gastric carcinomas (AGC) had a preponderance of Borrmann type 2. Regardless of RER status, AGC of Borrmann type 2 usually exhibit expanding pattern (Ming's classification), intestinal type, and low desmoplastic reaction. Therefore, to better characterize the clinicopathological features of RER+ gastric carcinomas, gross type-matched analysis would be necessary. We analyzed 53 cases of Borrmann type 2 AGC for RER status using polymerase chain reaction analysis of eight microsatellite loci and compared the clinicopathological features between RER+ and RER- negative (RER-) tumors. Sixteen (30.2%) out of 53 cases were RER+ phenotype which had a significant association with female sex, older age, expanding pattern, small and uniform nuclei, and low DNA index (P < 0.05). However, RER status was not significantly associated with histological differentiation, histological type (Lauren's classification), desmoplastic response, intratumoral lymphoid infiltration, and tumor location. Most of the previously known clinicopathological features of RER+ AGC were related to Borrmann type 2, except for female sex, older age, expanding pattern, and low DNA index.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1053-1059
Number of pages7
JournalPathology International
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1999


  • Flow cytometry
  • Gastric cancer
  • Microsatellite instability
  • Morphometry
  • Replication error

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pathology and Forensic Medicine


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