Effects of Funding Allocation for Safe Routes to School Programs on Active Commuting to School and Related Behavioral, Knowledge, and Psychosocial Outcomes: Results From the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE) Study

Deanna Hoelscher, Marcia Ory, Diane Dowdy, Jingang Miao, Heather Atteberry, Donna Nichols, Alexandra Evans, Tiffni Menendez, Chanam Lee, Suojin Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


Few controlled evaluations of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiatives have been conducted. The Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE) study included three conditions: schools awarded infrastructure (I) projects (n = 23), schools awarded noninfrastructure (NI) projects (n = 21), and matched comparison (C) schools (n = 34). Fourth-grade children completed tallies to determine transport to/from schools. Serial cross-sectional surveys were collected from students and parents at baseline (2009) and follow-up (2012). Data were analyzed using mixed linear regression and growth curve models. Morning percent active commuting to school (ACS) in I and NI schools were higher than C schools (p =.024, p =.013, respectively). Afternoon percent ACS in NI schools decreased more over time compared with C schools (p =.009). I and NI school students had higher ACS self-efficacy; similar results were noted for parents in I schools. Policies that provide cost-reimbursement funding for SRTS achieve modest short-term ACS outcomes, with few differences between types of funding allocations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)210-229
Number of pages20
JournalEnvironment and Behavior
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2016


  • active commuting to school
  • physical activity
  • policy
  • Safe Routes to School

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Science(all)


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