Constitutive expression of ErbB-2 in gallbladder epithelium results in development of adenocarcinoma

K. Kiguchi, S. Carbajal, K. Chan, L. Beltrán, L. Ruffino, J. Shen, T. Matsumoto, N. Yoshimi, J. DiGiovanni

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

163 Scopus citations


Overexpression of ErbB-2 in the basal layer of biliary tract epithelium led to the development of gallbladder adenocarcinoma in 100% of transgenic mice by 3 months of age. In addition, tumors developed in other parts of the biliary tree (e.g., cholangiocarcinoma). Adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder appeared to arise via a stepwise process involving hyperplasia, adenoma formation, and then adenocarcinoma formation. Increased ErbB-2/epidermal growth factor receptor heterodimer formation, activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase, and up-regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 levels (mRNA and protein) were observed in gallbladder epithelium of these mice. These mice represent a unique new animal model for studying biliary tract carcinogenesis.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)6971-6976
Number of pages6
JournalCancer research
Issue number19
StatePublished - Oct 1 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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