Constitutive and aroclor 1254-induced hepatic glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase and reductase activities in genetically inbred mice

M. Makary, H. L. Kim, S. Safe, J. Womack, G. W. Ivie

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


1. 1. Constitutive and Aroclor 1254-induced hepatic glutathione (GSH) S-transferases, GSH peroxidase and GSH reductase activities were determined in 12 strains of 8-10 week-old inbred male mice. 2. 2. The constitutive GSH S-transferase activity varied from 2.5 (SJL/JCR) to 8.9 (C57BL/6N) μmol/min/mg protein and the corresponding values for the Aroclor 1254-treated mice were in the range of 7.1-23.0 j μmol/min/mg protein. Aroclor 1254 significantly induced GSH S-transferase activity in all mice, however, significant interstrain differences were found in inducibility. 3. 3. Aroclor 1254-treatment caused a 4.2-fold induction of GSH S-transferase in NFS/NCR but only a 1.4-fold increase in AKR/NCR mice. Aroclor 1254 significantly induced GSH reductase in all strains studied while GSH peroxidase activity decreased in these mice. 4. 4. The range of hepatic GSH levels in control and Aroclor 1254-treated mice was relatively narrow for both groups (6.59-11.25 μM/g wet tissue).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)425-429
Number of pages5
JournalComparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C, Comparative
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1988

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology
  • Pharmacology


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