Chapter 22: Neuroinflammation with COVID-19: mechanisms and model studies. Understanding the Pandemic: Pathophysiology, Transmission and Treatment of COVID-19.

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Understanding the Pandemic: Pathophysiology, Transmission, and Treatment of COVID-19 aims to cover all aspects of COVID-19 infection from the virus, transmission, pathogenesis, immune-inflammation response, systemic injury, organ damage, associated factors, and comorbidities that drive mortality. Organized into ten sections, the book aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the impact of COVID-19. The book begins a review of coronaviruses, their structure and mechanism of action. The book goes on to discuss the immune response to the virus and its effect on various organs. It examines clinical cases based on an observations and postmortem studies.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationUnderstanding the Pandemic
Subtitle of host publicationPathophysiology, Transmission and Treatment of COVID-19
EditorsSonia Villapol, Shampa Chatterjee
ISBN (Electronic)9780443290046
ISBN (Print)9780443191701
StatePublished - Nov 4 2024


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