Can semen analysis be utilized as a screening tool for overall health in young men?

Gal Saffati, Laura N. Thompson, Nathan Starke, Mohit Khera, Akhil Muthigi

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Traditionally, semen analysis has been viewed solely as a tool for assessing male fertility. However, emerging research suggests that abnormal semen parameters may serve as indicators of broader health issues beyond reproductive function. Studies have revealed significant associations between abnormal semen parameters and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as prostate cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and metabolic disorders. These findings challenge the conventional understanding and position semen analysis as a potential screening tool for overall male health. The correlation between abnormal semen parameters and conditions like erectile dysfunction further underscores the multifaceted implications of semen quality. This suggests that abnormal semen parameters may be a risk factor for poorer overall health and a higher likelihood of developing comorbidities over time. Given these compelling associations, there is a growing call to integrate semen analysis into routine health assessments for young men, particularly in conjunction with established general health screenings. This proactive approach aligns with a preventative healthcare paradigm, facilitating early detection of underlying health concerns and timely interventions. However, overcoming cultural, logistical, and cost-related barriers is crucial for the successful implementation of this shift in reproductive health.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalInternational Journal of Impotence Research
StateAccepted/In press - 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Urology

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