7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Laura Martinez, MD with the persons below:
Timothy B. Boone, MD, PhD
- Houston Methodist - Craig C. Brown and Suzanne H. Smith Centennial Chair in Medical Education
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Professor of Urology, Affiliate Member, Research Institute
- Weill Cornell Medical College - Associate Dean
- Texas A & M University - Associate Dean, Texas A and M College of Medicine, Interim Dean, Texas A and M College of Engineering Medicine
Person: Secondary-adjunct
Rose Khavari, MD
- Department of Urology - Ben and Wendy Moreland Distinguished Chair in Urology, Residency Program Director
- Academic Institute - Professor of Urology, Member, Research Institute
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Betsy H. Salazar, PhD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Research Professor of Urology
- Department of Urology
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Ouida L. Westney, MD
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Associate Professor of Urology
- Houston Methodist
Person: Secondary-adjunct
Christof Karmonik, PhD
- Academic Institute - Research Professor of Radiology, Member, Research Institute, Director, MRI Core
- Department of Radiology
- Neurological Institute
- Department of Urology
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Julie N. Stewart, MD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology
- Department of Urology - Program Director, Continence, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, & Neurourology Fellowship
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, FACS
- Department of Urology - Judith Helmle Shaw and Roy Gordon Shaw, Jr. Centennial Chair, Chair
- Academic Institute - Professor of Clinical Urology, Member, Research Institute
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl