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Personal profile

Research interests

Immunology is one of the most rapidly growing areas in the biomedical research field. Because no single method is ideal for curing all tumors, multiple disciplines and methods are needed to explore improvements in cancer therapy. Based on my previous findings, I will continue to develop new methods for immunotherapy in MM and related tumors using an interdisciplinary approach. My research will be focused on targeting DKK1 or other novel TAAs for cancer immunotherapy. I will explore the potential of using a novel and universally expressed TAA for immunotherapy of myeloma patients, and further investigate peptide, protein, DNA vaccines or antibody, CAR-T cells for immunotherapy in MM or other cancers.

External positions

Assistant Professor of Cancer Biology Research in Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College

Jul 1 2019 → …

Research Area Keywords

  • Cancer
  • Immunobiology & Inflammation
  • Molecular Medicine

Free-text keywords

  • Immunotherapy


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