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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Taraballi earned her B.S. in Biological Sciences and her M.S. in Biochemistry at University of Milan – Bicocca, Italy. After another M.S. in Structural Biochemistry, she earned her Ph.D. in Nanostructures and Nanotechnologies from a joint program of the Materials Science Department of University of Milan, Bicocca with the Lawrence National Berkeley Laboratory.

Dr. Taraballi is currently an Assistant Professor and serves as Director of the Center for Musculoskeletal Regeneration at Houston Methodist Research Institute affiliated to the Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at Houston Methodist Hospital. At the same time, Dr. Taraballi is also affiliated faculty to the Center for RNA therapeutics, the Department of Nanomedicine and the Neal Cancer Center of Houston Methodist Academic Institute.

Dr. Taraballi’s research is focused on the development of smart biomaterials, both injectable and implantable, to target the immune system toward tissue restoration. Dr. Taraballi’s contributions to the field of nanomedicine are truly extraordinary. Her research paved the way for novel drug delivery platforms capable of precise targeting, enhancing drug efficacy while minimizing side effects. Her innovative work has shown great promise in treating various diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and orthopedic conditions. Throughout her career, Dr. Taraballi has been a strong advocate for education and mentorship. She actively participates in mentoring young scientists and students, inspiring the next generation to pursue careers in STEM fields. Her dedication to fostering scientific curiosity has left a lasting impact on many aspiring researchers. Dr. Taraballi’s success can be attributed not only to her resources but also to her unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Her belief in the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and her willingness to embrace challenges have propelled her forward in her journey of scientific exploration and innovation.

Research interests

  • mRNA therapeutics for orthopedic applications
  • mRNA vaccine development and validation in small and large animal models.
  • Translational bioaterials fabrication and functionalization to tune the immune system towards tissue homeostasis for reconstructive surgery
  • cGMP fabrication of devices and regulatory studies for validation
  • Development of smart nano-biomaterials to tune the immune system
  • Enhancing immunemodulatories capabilities of mesenchymal stem cells from different sources for surgical adjiuvant. (Clinical trials)
  • Evaluation of local delivery of antibiotics to fight surgical-related infections (Clinial trials)

Research Area Keywords

  • Nanomedicine
  • Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
  • Infectious Disease & Pathology
  • Immunobiology & Inflammation


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