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Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Hobday is a benign gynecologist in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Houston Methodist. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology in 1994 and Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1995 from U.T. Dallas. He received his medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2002. Dr. Hobday was named Intern of the Year in 2003 and featured in the Houston Chronicle as "Day in the Life of a Resident" in 2003. He was elected and served as Chief Resident in his final year of residency. Dr. Hobday completed residency training at University of Texas at Houston and joined Houston Methodist in 2008. He is active in resident education and functions as the site coordinator for rotating OB/GYN residents at Houston Methodist. He joined HMRI in 2010.

Research interests

Dr. Hobday conducts clinical outcomes studies involving patients with high-risk pregnancies.

Education/Academic qualification

Obstetrics & Gynecology, Residency, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Jun 30 2004Jul 1 2008

Award Date: Jul 1 2008

MD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jun 1 2000Jun 30 2004

Award Date: May 30 1990

Free-text keywords

  • Maternal fetal medicine
  • Outcomes
  • High-risk pregnancy


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