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Research activity per year

Personal profile

Personal profile

Dr. Atiya Dhala is the Medical Director of Houston Methodist Hospital’s Virtual ICU and an Intensivist in her hospital’s Surgical Liver ICU (SLICU) located in the Texas Medical Center.  In addition to her clinical duties, Dr. Dhala serves as the Director of Surgical Critical Care Education. She is also an associate professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, and the Institute of Academic Medicine at Houston Methodist.  Dr. Dhala attended Madras Medical College in Madras, India and completed her residency and fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, New York.

With over two decades of clinical expertise, Dr. Dhala focuses on reducing post-ICU co-morbidities in SLICU and improving the overall quality of life for her ICU patients.  Over her career, Dr. Dhala has earned numerous awards for her love and commitment to teaching.

External positions

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in Clinical Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College

Jun 1 2018 → …

Research Area Keywords

  • Clinical Care
  • Clinical Translation & Trials
  • Transplantation


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