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Alan B. Lumsden, MD
- DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center - Walter W. Fondren III Presidential Distinguished Chair
- Department of Cardiovascular Surgery - Chair
- Academic Institute - Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery
- Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
B. Christopher Frueh, PhD
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
- Houston Methodist
Person: Secondary-adjunct
Bulent Ozpolat, MD, PhD
- Academic Institute - Professor of Nanomedicine
- Department of Nanomedicine
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Amy B. Powitzky, MD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology
- Department of Radiology
- Dr. Mary and Ron Neal Cancer Center
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
David B. Rosenfield, MD
- Stanley H. Appel Department of Neurology - David B. Rosenfield, M.D. Chair in Speech and Language in Neurology
- Academic Institute - Professor of Neurology
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Belen Pascual, PhD
- Academic Institute - Associate Research Professor of Neurology
- Stanley H. Appel Department of Neurology
- Nantz National Alzheimer Center - Co-Director, Neuroimaging
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Marie B. Frando, MD
- Academic Institute - Instructor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Ainel B. Sewell, MD
- Academic Institute - Instructor in Radiology
- Department of Radiology
- Dr. Mary and Ron Neal Cancer Center
- Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Timothy B. Boone, MD, PhD
- Houston Methodist - Craig C. Brown and Suzanne H. Smith Centennial Chair in Medical Education
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Professor of Urology
- Weill Cornell Medical College - Associate Dean
- Texas A & M University - Associate Dean, Texas A&M College of Medicine, Interim Dean, Texas A&M College of Engineering Medicine
Person: Secondary-adjunct
Omkar B. Ijare, PhD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Research Professor of Neurosurgery
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Kenneth R. Peak Brain & Pituitary Treatment Center
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Dierdre B. Axell-House, MD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Center for Infectious Diseases
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Bhuvana Muthuswamy, MD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Peter B. Morgan, MD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Dr. Mary and Ron Neal Cancer Center
- Houston Methodist The Woodlands Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Stephen B. Beres, PhD
- Academic Institute - Research Professor of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
- Department of Pathology & Genomic Medicine
- Center for Infectious Diseases
- Houston Methodist
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Baiba K. Gillard, PhD
- Academic Institute - Associate Research Professor of Biochemistry in Medicine
- Center for Bioenergetics
- Department of Medicine
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Bruna Corradetti, PhD, MSc
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nanomedicine
- Houston Methodist
Person: Secondary-adjunct
Andrew B. Robbins, PhD
- Academic Institute - Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Houston Methodist
Person: Secondary-adjunct, Secondary-RI affiliate
Deepa Bangalore Gotur, MD
- Academic Institute - Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Center for Critical Care
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Biswajit Mishra, PhD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Research Professor of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Houston Methodist
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Benjamin Cohen, MD
- Academic Institute - Professor of Clinical Plastic Surgery
- Department of Surgery
- Institute of Reconstructive Surgery
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-non empl
Bin He, PhD
- Academic Institute - Associate Professor of Transplant Immunology in Surgery
- Immunobiology & Transplant Science Center
- Dr. Mary and Ron Neal Cancer Center
- Department of Urology
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Bradley Lambert, PhD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Research Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Ben Weinstein, MD
- Houston Methodist - C. James and Carole Walter Looke Presidential Distinguished Centennial Chair in Behavioral Health
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health - Chair
- Houston Methodist Hospital
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Bo Hu, MD, PhD
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Neurology
- Stanley H. Appel Department of Neurology
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl
Bing Liao, MD, MSc
- Academic Institute - Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology
- Stanley H. Appel Department of Neurology
- Neurological Institute
- Houston Methodist Hospital
- Houston Methodist
- Weill Cornell Medical College
Person: Primary faculty-empl